Writing online is like playing the lottery.
Except where the lottery relies on luck— writing online relies on choice.
How would you feel if I handed you a lotto ticket and you instantly won $500?
Pretty good, right?
You’d think about all the things you could buy and the places you could go.
Now what if instead of handing you one lotto ticket…
You handed yourself one, every month.
And if you wanted to, you could even increase the amount you paid yourself.
Suddenly, things got a lot more interesting, right?
Well I managed to do this for myself in about 70 days.
And today, I’m going to teach you how to as well.
Oh and you don’t have to take my word for it, here’s the proof:
The first 90 days were almost nothing, then suddenly… everything.
And by the end of this guide, not only will you know how to do it…
You’ll ACTUALLY be doing it.
This is not another bullsh*t guide about my PLAN to make $500/month on medium…