Today I’m going to teach you how to build what I call,
A highly refined, reliable, and potent form of self control.
Just like a gun can turn a bank into an unlimited ATM machine...
Gun-to-head discipline can turn your body into a puppet whose sole purpose is to do one thing:
Execute your orders.
Here’s the spark notes.
I’m a 30 year old Oncology Registered Nurse living on the West Coast of the United States.
Shortly before graduating high school I got a job working in retail at Kohl’s as a sales associate…
I wanted to walk in front of traffic it was so bad.
So to avoid becoming a failure in life and being forced to work at Kohl's for the next 30 years I started consuming everything I could find on the subject of self control.
After about 5 years, about 13,000 hours, and a shitload of money I figured out a lot of what worked and a lot of what didn’t, this course is a summary of the top 1% of information I found most useful after all of this time.
The strategies I’m about to teach you are as effective as water is at putting out a fire.
If you APPLY these strategies I guarantee you in 6 months you’ll be an entirely different person.
Anyways that’s enough about me, let’s talk about the plan.